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Inflation: The Case against Case – Exhibit D

Data, numbers, trends all tells us what we know is happening. Our buying power has been significantly reduced under those that are supporting this Administration.

Inflation reduction act???

The Federal Government has a significant role in determining how hard inflation hits us one way or the other.

DC legislators (Ed Case included) in lock step with Joe Biden have gone on an unprecedented spending spree under the guise of the Build Back Framework\“Infrastructure Law”.

From there a deceptively named Bill, “The Inflation Reduction Act” was also passed. Inside that package of empty promises, BILLIONS of dollars to were assigned to “fight against climate change”. This is called “BAIT AND SWITCH”.

Ed Case is no Fiscal Conservative. Fiscal Conservatives believe in: reduced government spending, free markets, privatization, free trade, tax cuts wherever possible, and minimal government debt. None of these attributes can be assigned to Ed Case’s voting record.

The graph below is proof enough things are not going well.

From the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

No matter how many ways it may be spun, we feel it at the pump, at the grocery store, travel and purchasing the necessary goods and services to live out our lives. With this Administration, it’s inflation by design.

23 Sept Update:
Stocks fell sharply worldwide Friday on worries an already slowing global economy could fall into recession as central banks raise the pressure with additional interest rate hikes.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1.6%, closing at its lowest level since late 2020. The S&P 500 fell 1.7%, close to its 2022 low set in mid-June, while the Nasdaq slid 1.8%.

The selling capped another rough week on Wall Street, leaving the major indexes with their fifth weekly loss in six weeks.

Energy prices closed sharply lower as traders worried about a possible recession. Treasury yields, which affect rates on mortgages and other kinds of loans, held at multiyear highs…

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