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Send Hawaii Jobs Overseas: The Case against Case – Exhibit F

Why would anybody want to push to remove 13,000 jobs, from Hawaii, especially during these hard economic times?

There are powerful reasons why the Inlandboatsmen’s Union (IBU) and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 100 have endorsed Conrad Kress.

These workers unions understand that Ed Case is willing to outsource their jobs and allow foreign countries and foreign workers to destroy their livelihood.

During his last term, Ed Case Introduced (4) Bills designed to take away jobs from Hawaii.
ALL of them had ZERO cosponsors. In other words, nobody else thought they were a good idea.

H.R.298 – Noncontiguous Shipping Competition Act
H.R.299 – Noncontiguous Shipping Reasonable Rate Act of 2021
H.R.300 – Noncontiguous Shipping Relief Act of 2021
H.R.6974 – To amend title 46, United States Code

The Jones Act is critical to American security and prosperity, delivering over 650,000 U.S. jobs, a reliable supply chain, and protection to our nation’s borders and national security interests. These benefits do not stop within the contiguous United States – and are realized even more in states like Hawaii, 2,500 miles from the U.S. Mainland and home to 13,000 jobs related to the Jones Act shipping industry.

Why would anybody want to push to remove 13,000 jobs, from Hawaii, especially during these hard economic times?

Have we not already shipped enough jobs, industries and money overseas?

What interest does this serve the People of Hawaii?

“Hawai’i has always had a proud seafaring history which continues today. Outsourcing our maritime and waterfront related jobs here in Hawai’i would most certainly devastate thousands of families on every island. Shouldn’t we be creating more jobs for our future generations, how do they expect anyone to be able to provide for their families and contribute to the community? “

Capt. Michael S. Anderson Jr.
IBU Hawai’i – Regional Director

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